Tuesday 19 July 2011

Ideje hogy megteszi a többi

Hoy empieco con algunas palabras a mis amigos en Argentina, que estan sequendo mio viaje del su pais, muy lejos de aqui. Queridos amigos, muy bienvenidos. Estoy muy contento que Ustedes esten aqui conmigo en esta aventura. Saben que les pienso siempre y un dia estoy seguro que nos veremos de nuevo. Ahora mismo estoy viajando en bicicleta desde mi pais hasta el Mar Negro, pasando por nueve paises. Una vez llegado al mar, quiero pasar por la costa al nord para llegar al fin del viaje en Odessa, Ukraina. Inicialmente seguir el Danubio fue facil pero con cada pais los desafios aumentan. En cualquier modo voy a llegar a mi destinación. Despues del viaje puede ser que empiezo un trabajo nuevo, que estoy buscando ahora, o sigo viajando. Vamos a ver. Claramente es una vida particular y unconvencional, pero al momento es todo que tengo. Me manden noticias! Suerte y abrazos.

The trail did not prove to be much better in Hungary. There are a few paved stretches but a lot of dirt trails that are not suited to anything but mountain bikes. The wonderful signage in Germany and Austria marking the trail at every intersection and crossroads is completely gone. Now it is comprised of a sign strategically placed roughly every 15 to 20 kilometres with an arrow roughly pointing in the direction of the Black Sea. It is as if the sign is saying to me “the sea is that way somewhere asshole, find it yourself”. Today I gave up on the trail completely. Underway I met another Polish family on the road. They had started in Donaueschingen and informed me that to that point they had ridden 1’412 kms. Add the 100 I did to arrive at Donaueschingen and I have done more than 1’500. These Poles had planned on going to Serbia but were also disappointed by the lack of infrastructure and found it too dangerous to ride on the road and thus decided to break off the journey at Budapest.

By mid-afternoon I had arrived at the outskirts of Budapest and then needed another two hours to make it to the center. I found a wonderfully cheap and clean hostel directly in the old town and booked myself in. After 17 days and 1’500 kms I am tired and decided to make it a two-day stay in order to write, sleep, wash, shower and recharge my energy.

Today I am off, feeling well and recharged. It is time to move on. Budapest is great but there are too many tourists and too many shops and restaurants. I ask myself how much of this rubbish do we need. Not much is the answer. Despite there being many tourists, I must say that there are fewer than I would have thought and I assume that the disastrous economic state of Europe is forcing many to reconsider their superfluous travels. Sooner or later the whole house of cards will come tumbling down. I used to think it would happen sooner, but probably it will still be a while. In any case, I am looking forward to being back in the small towns and villages and in the nature.  


  1. Great pics!!!

  2. Gerne schaue ich auf den schönen und interessanten Blog und bin gespannt, was für besondere Dinge geschehen. Dir weiterhin gute Fahrt und Gottes Segen.....
