Saturday, 21 March 2020

One week of quarantine

Today marks one week of quarantine. It has been quite easy so far. My work, which is remote anyway, continues as usual. Natasha's school moved online very quickly and she has lessons every day from 0845. Today, Saturday, and tomorrow are harder to handle without that regular schedule, but we are managing. Monday we will go food shopping! We are excited and regularly thinking of things we want to cook or bake and eat and adding to the already long list. By now everyone in the western world is experiencing a lock down, so I won't go into what a shopping trip entails. We have heard from friends and family about queuing outside the store and maintaining distance to other shoppers. My cousin in Hamburg told me that in the shops there not a word is spoken. The shops are full but one could hear a pin drop.
The situation around Europe continues to worsen. The Chinese have sent medical supplies and medical teams to Italy to help the overloaded health system. Our hope is that the results that the Chinese seem to have attained - stopping the virus in a relatively short time - will evidence themselves here also. The Chinese are surely better at quarantining people, though, so I doubt the results will be as quickly attained here.
On the geopolitical front the Chinese will make huge strides forward with these events. They were already on the doorstep to eclipse the west, but if it is true that they stopped the spread of virus and are now coming here to help us, that is another huge turn of the tide in global power.

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